Some might consider it as ironic that Elmer Fudd was cancelled a while back. He was cancelled by the show runners because he’s always hunting that waskilly wabbit with a mean ol’ shotgun. I don’t necessarily consider it ironic as much as I do telling.
The wave of this sad state of affairs will only continue to get worse as time rolls on as more things are cancelled and the gun grabbers further their agenda.
Why is it ironic? Well, to get to that point we first need to define what a “Fudd” actually is.
What is a Fudd in the gun industry?
Fudd is a derogatory term that is anyone who is a casual gun owner who is not serious about the protection of the Second Amendment. The Fudd is the person who is okay with the AR-15 getting banned because they have no use for them. The Fudd gun owners are usually just hunters who don’t necessarily believe in the right to protect oneself or country. They tend to stand for nothing beyond the things they like, are okay with rights being stripped away, and are in many ways more dangerous than the outright anti-gunners are. A Fudd will usually only see the importance of a firearm that has a tangible purpose like hunting. Therefore, being necessary to the security of a free state has no meaning to them.
You can usually find the Fudd gun owners by statements that they make. They say things like, “I’m pro gun, but …”
That but is usually followed by some anti-gun regurgitation that can be traced back to Pelosi, Schumer, or CNN.
For example: I’m pro gun but does anyone really need a fully semi-automatic AR14 that holds 25 magazine clips? I mean, c’mon man!
Why are they more dangerous than the anti-gunners are?
For one, because anti-gun folks generally can’t talk the talk. When in good company you can always tell the people who are serious about guns because they use certain terminology, or at least demonstrate knowledge.
The anti-gun crowd is largely clueless about guns (even ignorant) and it shows. They stick out like a sore thumb.
However, the Fudd gun owners know the lingo. They talk the talk and they understand what we’re saying. They’re also harder to pick out in a crowd. This makes them more dangerous to the Second Amendment, as does the anti-gunner’s ability to manipulate them.
Because a Fudd can so easily be manipulated to think that any gun that doesn’t serve the primary purpose of hunting, skeet, and the like — the anti-gunners use them for their purposes when they say things like, “such and such gun owners think that universal background checks are a necessity.
No, just the Fudd gun owners think like that. The rest of us who understand the purpose of the Second Amendment, and why it was penned, believe that all gun laws are infringements.
The interesting thing, is that the Fudds don’t think the anti-gun crowd will ever ban their hunting rifles and shotguns. Why? Because they serve a quantifiable purpose, and not just because the Second Amendment keeps the goobermint from tyranny.
We’ve now come full circle back to Elmer Fudd.
Now back to the irony of Elmer Fudd being cancelled
Elmer Fudd was cancelled a while back. Probably about a year ago now. It’s ironic because the Fudd gun owners are willing to sell out the rest of us so they can keep their shotguns or rifles. They want to keep their sporting guns because they think that’s all that matters.
In their eyes, the only guns that matter are those that serve a purpose like hunting.
They also don’t think that their guns are ever going to be the subject to a gun ban.
They’re wrong.
Our anti-gun politicians are adamant about deleting gun culture, which is why they look to and point at other countries who have outright gun bans. These are countries that don’t even allow their citizens to own a pump shotgun.
Elmer Fudd, to whom the Fudd name came from, was just cancelled because of his shotgun. In other words, the sellout has gotten his due. The sellout was cancelled, or banned, just as will eventually happen if we let the anti-gun crowd win.
Why would they come after the shotgun platform? I mean, it’s not one of those scary “weapons of war!!!”
The shotgun has a rich history of being a weapon of war starting as far as as WWI with the trench gun, all the way up to the Mossberg 590 that my beloved Marine Corps used in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The AR-15 is not a weapon of war, but the shotgun is. Go figure. They’ll be after your shotguns, once they remove any ability to resist.
The critical difference between a Fudd and the rest of us, is the purpose of the gun.
Most of us understand that our founding fathers fought a war to win our freedom. That war was started after the tyrants took their powder in the Powder Alarm. Many Americans only know about the tax part, rarely is the gun part taught in school.
To the Fudd, the purpose of the gun is different. To them, the purpose of the gun is to have fun, go hunting, or shoot clay targets. For the Fudd, there is nothing in their vocabulary about war or preventing a tyrannical government from restricting her citizen’s rights.
But as we know, the Second Amendment is necessary to the security of a free state, which is why the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
I want to point out that there is nothing wrong with hunting or skeet shooting. But as I usually like to say, those are the side dishes to the main course. The main course is to keep our government in check, which is exactly why they want us disarmed.
They want to steamroll us and do whatever they want. Our guns are the only thing preventing that.
The other kind of Fudd
There is another kind of Fudd that sometimes very pro-gun people are called, simply because they’re old fashioned in their choices. I’ve been called a Fudd before because I don’t have any red dot optics on my pistols.
I have friends who have been called Fudd because they primarily shoot and carry guns with a hammer, as opposed to striker fired guns.
While irritating, it is not derogatory in nature because at the end of the day, the only bad Fudds are the ones who don’t care about freedom. The bad ones are those who are sellouts to the 2A cause. The good Fudds are willing to fight the government with their revolvers and 1911s, just as much as the other guys are willing to with their Glock MOS pistols and high speed AR-15s.
I do think it’s time we separate the two though, because one is dangerous and the other is friend.
I mean no offense, really, if you are a Fudd (of the bad kind). Well, maybe a little. But it’s because you don’t understand what is at stake. Just like they cancelled Elmer because of his shotgun, they’re bound to eventually ban your guns, too.
The time is coming and we all need to stand together. No more, “I’m pro gun but” arguments. You’re either pro gun or you’re not. There is no “but.”