Looking for a compact 1911 in 45acp with increased magazine capacity? Check out Rock Island Armories/Armscor smallest, lightest, 45 ACP handgun, the BBR Series 3.10. With a 10+1 capacity, the BBR 3.10 comes with one of the highest round counts on the market in a compact 45 ACP.
Along with a G10 Grip and a comfortable beavertail grip safety this 1911 provides excellent stability and dependability. Add in the adjustable sights and an anodized/parkerized finish, the 3.10 is a viable choice for close range, personal defense applications.
Not long ago, I was fortunate to get my hands on a BBR 3.10 for a tryout. On the range with the 3.10, I ran it through its paces with five different brands and types of 45 ACP ammo. I fired about 100 rounds through this compact 1911. Distances ranged from 5 yards out to 15 yards.

Ammo tested included:
- Armscor 230 grain JHP
- Armscor 230 FMJ
- Federal Syntech 220 gr TSJ (synthetic jacket)
- Sig Sauer 200 gr JHP
- Sig Sauer 230 gr V-Crown JHP.
Testing with different ammo was done not so much with accuracy in mind, but rather reliability of the 3.10. During my range time with the BBR 3.10 I experienced one malfunction; a failure to feed, the problem never repeated itself with over 100 rounds fired.
As to accuracy however, from 15 yards I was able to keep all rounds consistently within an eight-inch group from a sand bag/bench rest or standing braced position. Basic bullseye accuracy for this little gun is not a question.

I tested all five brands of ammo mentioned above from seven yards with the basic intent to fire five shots as accurately as possible from a standing, off-hand position. Most all groups were five shots touching with a flyer here and there that you can attribute shooter error.
What’s the point?
The BBR 3.10 is easily capable of defensive accuracy, especially considering the compact platform in a .45 ACP.
Recoil as you might expect in a small-frame 45 is noticeable but easily manageable with proper grip and can even be minimized with a proper selection of ammo. For example, Federal’s Syntech is engineered for soft recoil, and it delivered noticeably less recoil than the other ammunition fired during testing.

Overall features and specifications of the Rock Island Armory BBR 3.10 in 45 ACP are as follows:
- Overall length: 6.85 inches
- Overall width: 1.47 inches
- Overall height: 4.55 inches
- Barrel length: 3.10 inches
- Trigger pull: 5.0 pounds to 7.0 pounds
- Weight empty: 2.0 pounds
- Front sight: dovetail-mounted fiber optic
- Rear sight: LPA adjustable
- Grip: G10, serrated front and rear strap
- Parkerized frame and slide
- Capacity: 10+1
- Hammer: combat style serrated
- Beavertail grip safety
- MSRP $699
RIA went from a single stack to what some would call a one-and-a-half stack, allowing for increased magazine capacity while proving an overall compact carry system.
As indicated above, the grip on this little 1911 is a G10 material with nice texturing along and includes a serrated front and back strap. The grip full in the hand due to the slightly wider magazine for the increased round count. Magazine release is serrated and easy to reach with either thumb, and allows the magazine to drop freely.

The front sight is a high vis fiber optic that would be an asset in a defensive situation and/or poor light conditions. A nice feature of the BBR 3.10 sights is the steel adjustable rear sight for both windage and elevation. The rear sight is made by LPA of Italy and retails in the $75 to $100 range if purchased as a single component.
The BBR 3.10 comes with a skeletonized trigger which is crisp and breaks consistently in the five-pound range. Reset is short and almost immediate, allowing for quick follow-up shots.
The Rock Island Armory BBR 3.10 is a solid choice for anyone wanting a concealed carry gun with the time-honored appeal of a 1911.
As an added benefit you can enjoy the increase from standard 1911 magazine capacity of 7 rounds to 10 rounds in the 3.10. All Rock Island Armory pistols come standard with one magazine.
If you are a 1911 admirer the 45 ACP BBR 3.10 will not disappoint. Check out Armscor/Rock Island Armory at armscor.com.