You may have heard that there is a new self-defense insurance in town. This, of course, is meant to compete with the likes of USCCA, US Law Shield, and CCW Safe. But is this new self-defense insurance any different or better than the rest out there?
I put together an overview below, and in the coming weeks I’ll put together a few comparison articles to help you make an informed decision before purchasing.
Let’s get started.
What is the Right To Bear Insurance Program?
Right To Bear Insurance is insurance that covers you if you ever need to defend yourself with your gun. They cover both criminal and civil defense and there are four different levels of coverage, each with its own price point and coverage amount.
The levels are as follows:
- BRONZE for $115/Year: Civil/Criminal defense liability coverage up to $50,000
- SILVER for $235/Year: Civil/Criminal defense liability coverage up to $500,000
- GOLD for $385/Year: Civil/Criminal defense liability coverage up to $1,000,000
- PLATINUM for $595/Year: Civil/Criminal defense liability coverage up to $2,000,000
Also included in each plan is multi-state coverage, expert witness coverage, psychological support, and a 24/7 claims hotline.
And, each plan has certain add-ons that will cost you a little extra. These are things like spousal coverage, bail bond reimbursement, and compensation while in court.
Who is Right To Bear?
Right To Bear is a partner company of Palmetto State Armory under the JJE umbrella of companies.
I would usually not come out swinging on an announcement on this type of business unless it was backed by a powerhouse in the industry.
Palmetto State Armory has a decent track record of being 2A friendly and because it’s backed by them this will be a serious contender in the self-defense insurance space.
Limitations on Coverage:
This insurance is NOT available in all 50 states.
Sadly, there have been some issues with insurance like this in a handful of states. To my knowledge, all of the self-defense insurance companies have been disallowed to conduct business in states like Washington, New York, and New Jersey.
After perusing the RTB website, I can see that they’ve had similar issues and do not cover people from those states.
Education and Future Plans:
Based on the FAQ page of the Right To Bear website, it does look like there is some sort of training. It says there are training videos, webinars, and self-defense tactics included, but I don’t know what they’re like.
Based on what I see on the website, it looks like at some point there will be some sort of instruction program, though the instructor portal is blank and makes no reference about what it’ll be like.
Learn More:
You can learn more about the Right To Bear Insurance program for self-defense when you push on that link. I think it’s worth looking into more if for no other reason than having peace of mind that you’re covered in the event of a defensive gun use.
Right now and for a limited time, people who buy in at the Silver level or higher get a free AR-15 Lower. It has me wondering if I should join up or not because AR-15s are like potato chips.
You can’t have just one. Or two. Or …