It’s been a busy week on the freedom front, and I just got wind of some big news. This news is that FPC members are covered by the preliminary injunction in their case against the ATF’s pistol brace rule that would effectively turn millions of Americans into felons after May 31, simply for owning a piece of plastic that was previously legal.
Before we get there, let’s get some background.
They’re attempting to reclassify pistol braces, devices that were originally intended to help those with disabilities effectively shoot AR-15s, to now be a rifle stock. If it is a rifle stock, it changes the firearm from a pistol to a short barreled rifle (SBR).
According to the ATF for the past decade or so, these devices have been totally legal per letters and opinions issued by the ATF. In fact, I remember getting a PTR 32P (a roller-delayed blowback pistol that shoots 7.62X39) that came with one of those letters.
During that time they were legal to own resulting in millions of them being sold to the general gun-owning public.
Some time passed and the ATF decided, under the guidance of the anti-gun politicians currently in office, to make an attempt at reclassifying these devices so that a braced pistol turns into a highly regulated SBR (short barreled rifle).
Well, SBRs are illegal under the NFA (National Firearms Act) unless you want to jump through the hoops put forth, pay an extra tax, and wait an inordinate amount of time for them to put their unconstitutional stamp of approval on it.
The issue is that there are estimated to be tens of millions of these devices floating around, and several gun manufacturers began installing them on their guns and selling them that way from the factory. Thus, tens of millions of Americans could be turned into felons overnight, simply by the stroke of an unelected pen.
To recap, after about a decade of saying something was legal, with millions of people owning them, the ATF now says they’re illegal, or, at least they’re trying to.
The only logical step is for a flurry of lawsuits to take place. Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, and Firearms Policy Coalition jumped into action to commence handing the ATF’s butt to them on a silver platter.

The whole point of this article is the following sentence: A preliminary injunction was granted in the FPC case, and the judge clarified that it extends to all members of the FPC.
I’m not going to make an attempt at explaining what all of this means because I’m not a lawyer. For an explanation, I’ll direct you to the FPC (link below). However, this is great news and a step in the right direction.
I’m a member in good standing and have been since I got the above-pictured letter in April of 2021.
I want to urge all of you to join the FPC today, so that you can make sure you’re on the safe side of things, and to help the FPC in the fight against tyranny.
I’m not a betting man, but if I were, I’d bet on the FPC to get things done. That’s why I’ve been giving them my money since 2021.