Can 9mm shoot through a car door?
Yes 9mm can shoot through a car door, but how far the round goes will depend a lot on the ammo being used as well as the angle of the person shooting in relation to the car door.
Let’s expand on this further.
A while back I took a video instruction course called Vehicle Firearm Tactics by my good friends over at ConcealedCarry.com. The information I present to you in this article came from their research from shooting through and at a car.
If you are serious about defending yourself in or around your car, I urge you to check out the whole course, here.
The info presented in this particular section of the course was very clear and well presented.
Riley, the instructor of the course, shot through the car door with his 9mm handgun at a couple different angles and showed that when shot straight on with no angle, the rounds had a greater chance at passing through the average steel car door.
When the shooter and gun were slightly angled, there was less of a chance of penetration through the entire car door.
In other words, when shot straight on, the bullet has a better chance of passing through as opposed to when the door or the gun is angled even a bit.
Can a car door be used as cover?
If you have nothing else to use for cover, then the car door may be sufficient to stop an attacker with a handgun, as it is better than nothing. Try to angle the door by closing it somewhat.
However, the main positive for using something as “cover” is that it is capable of stopping a bullet from penetrating. A car door will only be able to stop certain types of ammo and even then, only at certain angles.
Therefore, only use the car door as cover if you have nothing else to use.
More about the Vehicle Firearm Tactics Course –
The course is taught by my good friend Riley Bowman of the Concealed Carry Podcast. He discusses different tactics concerning the defense in and around the vehicle, as well as how to use it to your advantage.
It is a good buy and highly recommended, especially since most folks will never have the chance to do live fire training in and around a vehicle themselves.