With increasing frequency, ammo is becoming the focus of control efforts by political and governmental entities that view guns and all associated with them as evil. It never ceases to amaze me as to how little thought is given to ammo and its availability.
Below are just a few of the challenges and considerations we are now facing today when it comes to ongoing ammo availability and purchases:
Stringent Purchase Requirements or Restrictions
Much discussion or pending legislation about these purchase requirements/limitations in states such as California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut and others.
Suggestions or efforts to require fingerprinting, limits on how much ammo can be purchased and even how ammo is stored in your home are all ideas circulating around the more leftist states.
This would also include the continued threat of limiting or banning importation of foreign made ammo in such highly popular cartridges such as 7.62×39 and 5.45×39.
Ammunition Taxation
Ongoing and frequent talks of increased taxation on every round of ammunition.
States such as California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, and even municipalities in Colorado and Washington are finding ways to tax every round of ammo.
This threat is already here and in place in many of the above locations. Will it catch on anywhere else?
This continued claim does not seem to ever go away; it rears its ugly head from time to time.
In a nutshell, the shaky theory is that lead-based projectiles will compromise certain wildlife species and the human race if ingested or physical exposure occurs. The end result is lead based ammo being restricted or illegal in certain areas or states or locations.
California and many other states and specific locations now restrict any ammunition that has lead based projectiles.
Recently I had a phone conversation with an ammo manufacturer who stated every round of ammo currently in production is already sold for two years out.
This is not the first time I have heard this. While we have certainly seen an increase in availability of some more commonly used calibers, i.e., 9mm, 5.56, and .45ACP we have also seen a price increase that looks to be staying around.
On top of that, many center fire rifle cartridges for hunting are just plain difficult to get, 30-30 Winchester and .243 Winchester are a couple of examples.
When you do find it, the cost is double or triple of what it was just a few years ago.
Investment and Bartering
I have never had any problem selling or bartering with any ammo I needed to move. There is little doubt that ammo will be a much sought-after commodity and will most likely continue to increase in value. In short, I rather have more ammo than I will ever need or use than the guns themselves.
Remember, the use and need for ammo is not limited to traditional uses, such as hunting, training, self defense and competitive events.
Whatever your approach may be, stay informed and get involved in the political process when it comes to legislation concerning guns and ammo. Send emails, call your congressman and legislators, sign petitions, and stay involved with organizations that will take the fight to the highest levels of our judicial and political process.
All efforts are essential to keep our constitutional rights in place.
Times today are very uncertain and therefore unpredictable. Now is the time to plan ahead for your long-term ammo needs. Keep on top of it. After all it’s not just our immediate future but that of generations to come that may be at stake.