Wait, this is a blog about owning guns, right? So why am I writing a blog post about the reasons why you might want to sell your unneeded guns? I’m telling you to sell your guns because now is a good time to sell any oddballs that you have, that you don’t use, and aren’t the most practical.
And, ultimately, I think we’re coming up on a time when you’re going to need a different approach to life in general. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?
What is an unneeded gun?
Before we ego any further, we should define just what an unneeded gun actually is. I’m a self-proclaimed gun nut, so it should come as a surprise for me to say “unneeded” like that. I never meet a gun I didn’t want to own, or the very least to shoot, no matter how crappy it was.
For the purposes of this blog, as well as my own outlook, I consider any gun that is an old relic or collectible, or anything that I don’t shoot at least a few times per year as “unneeded.”
The only time, as of late, that the above is not true, is if there is an otherwise tactical advantage to owning that gun, even if I don’t shoot it a lot.
For example, my 12 gauge shotty isn’t exactly on my list of guns to bring to the range each time I go, but it is still an important part of the conversation when it comes to protecting my family.
So why am I saying this?
Because ammo is still expensive
And you need more of it.
If you haven’t noticed, the price of ammunition is still pretty high. Granted, it has come down some, but only certain calibers have seen any real movements to the downside, while some of the less common calibers are still sky high.
Because ammunition is so expensive, I’m telling most of my friends to buy ammo, instead of guns.
I’m also instructing them to buy gun parts because you’ll need to be able to fix what you have. But this bullet point is about ammo, so let’s stick with that.
Having fewer calibers to stock up ammo on means you’ll be able to have that much more ammunition to have in the calibers you do have. So if you’ve got a 9mm pistol or two, and you sell your old Single Action Army revolver, then you’ll be able to put more 9mm in the safe after you sell the revolver that’s clearly not as practical as your Glock is.
I believe we’re coming up on a time when the price of everything will be so high that we won’t be able to afford any ammo, and the chance that you’ll be able to buy it is slowly slipping away. I think that before too long, either a political nightmare will take place, or starving people will take to the streets in search of food.
I can’t say for sure, but I’d say there is a pretty good chance that your house is located on a street somewhere here in America.
You’ll either need to be able to protect yourself from those people who wish to hurt you and take your food, or go hunting for your local game animal. To do that, you’ll need ammo. I suggest converting any oddball guns into ammo, right now, while you still can.
This brings us to the next point.
Because people are still able to afford guns
As of right now, people still have some money left. The price of everything has gone up tremendously so that people need to put everything on credit cards. That said, there is still some money left before folks start to realize that things are not going to bounce back the way they’d hoped.
The window is closing quickly, though. You’re running out of time. So if you have an old relic, or a gun that’s not practical like the above pictured Sig Sauer P938 (not practical in my eyes) that you can still get some money for, the time is now to try and convert them it into cash that you can use on something else.
That said, when people do start to realize that things won’t bounce back, they’ll be less willing to part with their hard earned Benjamins.
Because the future is bleak
Ultimately, this leads up to the actual point of the article, which is that the future is bleak. If you peel back the curtain as far as you can get it, you start to see the truth behind what is happening.
I am a firm believer that there is going to be worldwide famine that’ll take place in 2023 and maybe into 2024. Because of that reason alone, and the fact that people are willing to do whatever they can to feed their families, I have to be willing to do whatever I can to keep mine fed, which means protecting them against others.
I also have to be willing to go hunting and change my lifestyle around.
The price of everything is up, and a lot of people are potentially going to lose their jobs. Get rid of things you don’t need right now, so you can put the money toward things you can use after the S hits the F.
I started this year off owning a lot of guns that I never shoot. I don’t own them anymore. I went down to my local gun shop and put them on consignment, one at a time.
I still own my mainline defenders, but each one serves a purpose and is in a common caliber that I’m stocking.
I do want to say that you shouldn’t sell anything that you’ll later on regret selling. Don’t get rid of any family heirlooms or anything that you are going to miss later on.
Make sure it’s what you want to do, and if you can’t bring yourself to sell that gun, then sell something else you don’t need and buy ammo with the proceeds from it.
Learn how to sell a gun, next.